Excellent. I like everything about this, the only thing I can think of that was wrong with it was when they spoke you could hear the background noise, and it's mostly static.
You're a fantastic individual.
Lol, very nice. I like the idea of an evil nyan cat. The song in reverse sounds kind of demented, and it does get annoying after so long, but nice idea!
Doesn't play.
I'd fix that first before trying to re-upload it.
I wouldn't know how to fix that..the preloaders I use come from this site!!..ive posted a link to another site where it loaded fine!!...the file is fixed now!!
You want a real critic? Well, you got one!
To be honest, this was a really good flash. A good majority of the animation and graphics were spot on, but there were those scenes where it looks like you drew them in 10 minutes or less. The voice acting on the time clock was shotty at best, and the fact that none of the characters spoke made the video seem mediocre. And also, some of the animation wasn't very good, either.
But other than that, this was by far one of the best DBZ remakes I have ever seen.
4.5/5 (even though I rated a 5, because I want to see you improve on this :D )
thanks. il try to get some voices in EP2
LOL! This is EXACTLY how I feel about pokemon. They all just want it up the ass.
Good job, smooth animation, and I honestly didn't see what you were talking about when you said 'Stretched'
Oh, I just meant like...erm... well the scene where its most notable is when Brock says "SAYWHAAAAAAT?" just before the Dugtrio strikes, the screen sorta' stretches vertically. Its not that big of a deal but little things like that bother me. Thanks alot, though :D
Not a bad idea. I like the message that the video delivers, however...
The animation was morbid at best. And the fact that there is no voice acting makes the video worst still.
The message is a good idea, but I suggest adding voice acting, remastering the audio for the video itself, and better animation, other than that, not to bad.
Ok...mabye i'll redo it, thanks for the review.
Sorry, but try again.
If this is the enhanced version, I don't want to see the previous version.
I will admit, I like the idea of the guy tripping out and seeing a "Ghetto" version of Mel Gibson, but the graphics kind of ruined the point of it.
Not to mention when you started playing the audio for when the guy who was tripping, started wiping his eyes, even before he appeared on the screen.
Also, the ending voice was a little harsh, and the voice acting wasn't very good.
I have nothing to say on this topic. Other than the fact that i'm a BIG vocaloid fan ;D
Age 29, Male
'Being Like A Boss
South Carolina
Joined on 4/25/12